Hey, I'm Steff!
Iā€™m a genderqueer speaker, writer, celebrant & coachĀ helping people journey toĀ fullness of love, healing, wholeness & joy.
Cultivating an Equitable & Expansive Faith
Let me ask you…
Have you ever felt uncomfortable about Christian exclusion and want more for the church?
Do you question whether God could be more expansive but your church dismisses your questions or provides unfulfilling answers?
Do you see other Christians expressing their faith in free and open ways, but wonder how they got there?
Do you want to see more diverse lives and voices represented in Christian thought?
- Have you been separating parts of your life away from your faith (sexuality, relationships, gender identity, drugs, doubt...) because you thought they could never go together?
Together we could...
*Grow your faith in a way that include the experiences, stories and voices of people who are sexuality and gender diverse*
*Understand how theology and belief contribute to cultures of abuse in the Church*
*Be part of a faith movement which expands & invites*
*Develop a culture of LGBTIQA+ safety and welcome in your family, Church or Christian organisation*
*Discover foundational Christian doctrines that are diversely generous and loving*
*Reclaim a relationship with God that benefits your health and well-being*
*Discover how the Christian faith engages taboo topics and speaks into confronting questions*

About Steff
When I discovered I was queer, I was excluded from churches who told me my life and voice were to be feared. On the margins of the church, I found so many others being excluded and harmed.
In the deep questioning and seeking, I also found a God who is generously expansive. A God who is present in the spaces the church says God is not, and who advocates equity for all.
I saw where the Church had drawn boundaries and boxes, Jesus’ love and grace was confrontingly limitless.
Now, through speaking, writing, consulting, and training, Steff is equipping pastors, chaplains, family members, doubters and ex-churchers with resources to find an equitable and expansive faith.
Steff is passionate about helping people discover that God is more loving, generous and inclusive than we ever knew. And that it’s really that simple.
Read Steff's Story"I want to help you develop an inclusive faith that uplifts God’s equity and expansiveness. That asks the hard questions. That goes to the places we’re told God is not, the spaces we’re told God could never be."
Steff Fenton
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