How I went from 'Anti-Gay Evangelical' to 'Progressive Queer Pastor' ...
I spent 30 years in evangelical churches, thinking thatĀ to be LGBTIQA+ was wrong.
I was excluded from participating in the community I loved because of an identity I later realised was my gift; queerness. My voice was silenced, I was told my questioning was a danger to others and they led me to believe Godā€™s grace was not enough for me.
On the margins of the church, I found so many others being harmed by our faith and family; women, people with disabilities, Indigenous communities, LGBTIQA+ people, racially diverse communities and more.
But what I also found was a God who was utterly present and active in the places I was told GodĀ could never be...
After finding healing in communities of acceptance and exploring the rich tradition of theological diversity, I co-founded and co-pastor a non-denominational church. As a pastor, speaker, theological and writer, I get to tell a different story about faith.

Cultivating a more equitable & expansive faith...
Equipped with over 15 years of knowledge, insight and experience, I’m helping people discover a God who is more loving, generous and present than we ever knew to be true. This God has always been standing against abuse and exclusion as well as advocating for equity and justice. I also help people create safe spaces for others to discover a generously expansive God who loves them.
A Queer Pastor Talks Faith and Inclusivity, The QUO Podcast
Building Pillows and Embodying Division, Love – Rinse/Repeat Podcast
Ins & Outs of the Body of Christ voices the church needs to hear, PEACEtalks Podcast
Dignity For the Dismissed, New City Church Sermons
A Bible Bracket (voting for the best book in the Bible), Love – Rinse/Repeat Podcast
Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care with LGBTIQA+ People, NSW Corrective Services Chaplains Conference 2022
LGBTIQA+ Inclusion in the Church, Catholic Mission Australia’s Conference 2019 & 2021
Creating Safe Spaces for LGBTIQA+ Young People, Better Together Conference 2018
Master of Divinity, University of Divinity, Australia (2021)
Thesis Title: A Socio-Historical Reading of Eunuchs in Matthew 19:12 - Gender-Expansiveness as a Response to Male Entitlement
Certificate IV in Celebrancy, Rose Australia (2021)
Bachelor of Media, Macquarie University, Australia (2010)
Ready to cultivate a more equitable and expansive faith?
I can help with the following services ...!
I provide tailored education to help people understand LGBTIQA+ experiences, inclusive theology and pastoral support.
Focused conversations where I provide expert advice on LGBTIQA+ inclusive culture, policies, and actions.
I share stories and experiences, customised workshops and input sessions, preaching and more.
I can develop specific resources for your organisation, write articles, prayers or reflections for your publication.
Enquire about a service
Join the movement for a more equitable and expansive faith.
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